Say goodbye to the 1:1 ratio
The traditional one-manager-per-property model is inefficient and costly. Centero allows property owners to upscale on-site staff while providing on-demand access for residents.
With Centero’s use of holographic and AI-powered technology, property owners and operators will break this model, centralizing staff and expanding management across multiple properties with zero geographic boundaries. One manager now can oversee at least four properties. This can scale further over time as Centero’s AI system is able to handle more and more of the residents’ needs efficiently. The future may be 10 properties! Let’s find out.
By specializing roles and centralizing operations, Centero enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and improves resident retention, all while maintaining a highly personalized experience for residents.
Centero offers a life-size, immersive experience that captures non-verbal cues and real-time interactions, making it feel like residents are speaking face-to-face with their property manager.
Property managers receive instant insights on the residents they’re assisting, improving efficiency and service quality.
Video requests from multiple properties for manager interaction are routed to the main manager responsible, queued up in the case of simultaneous requests, or will present an alternative backup managers if matters are urgent.
Detailed transcripts, including action items as instant summaries of discussions, are distributed to the resident and manager for review and are retained and accessible any time,
Say goodbye to office hours. Residents can connect via the mobile app or at their property office for immediate assistance with CenteroGram™ or CenteroVision™. It’s meant to be easy for residents. Walk-in service is available as well as advanced access to calendar virtual meetings.
All interactions are recorded, transcribed and analyzed by Centero’s AI system to provide insights into the types of problems, resident disposition, predictive events, and other insights that are impossible to discern with the current status quo.
Centralizing property managers means lower operating costs per property to increase operating income.
Results Matter.
Centero enhances the resident experience with real-time analytics, while AI Personas handle routine tasks and answer common questions—freeing up staff for higher-value interactions.
Residents benefit from 24/7 access to AI-powered support, while still having access to speak to the property manager whenever they want to, leading to an increase in resident retention. All interactions have immediate SMS notes and action item recaps from the meeting to residents, guests, and your virtual staff. Let’s capture all for exceptional customer service.
Let’s centralize, together.