We create a synergy that will allow our customers to scale.

Hologram technology broadcasts on-site property managers when and where they’re needed.

Exclusivity Agreement
Centero is an exclusive channel partner with our hologram technology provider, ensuring we are the first to bring these capabilities to market.

Broadcast Hologram
Property managers work from a remote broadcast location and are available to customers on-demand, life-size in real-time.
We enable the deployment of the same property manager on multiple properties across geographies, ensuring consistent oversight with branded interfaces to elevate the experience.

Easily Access Resident Data
Our engagement dashboard automatically provides property managers with information about the resident they’re speaking with.

The only thing closer to in person is in person.

Our AI Avatar easily completes routine tasks and answers common questions.

Equipped with Property Documentation
Our AI avatars are prepared with property and community specific documentation.

Intelligent Escalation
Free up the on-site property manager to handle more important tasks by allowing the avatar to fulfill low level requests.

Customizable Looks & Language
Our AI Avatars can have a uniquely generated appearance and be tailored to a residents’ language request.

Available 24/7
Our avatar is available at any hour to address resident concerns.